‘You have to believe in yourself, that’s the secret.’

Charlie Chaplin

Whatever route your path has taken to this day

I believe that it is a right of everyone to engage with another person that sits with them without judgement, sometimes in silence and with a curiosity and excitement for their desired success.

Someone who will believe in them regardless of any external agenda.

My name is Karen and I know this to be true:
Everybody has an opportunity and a responsibility to be the game changers in their own life.

Let me introduce you to a creative process where the possibility for new thinking, a profusion of new ideas and increased energy are a realistic possibility.

Coaching is a process that empowers people

It empowers people to develop a deep understanding of their motivations and their fears and use both in constructive ways.

To identify the key ‘what matters’ in their life and develop the knowledge, skill, and attitude to manifest these as they truly wish and in a context of a love for life and the people involved in it.

A distance travelled approach that works from a basis of strength, recognises talents and qualities, and seeks to raise the awareness that if used every day, these can deliver lasting impressions through transformational change.

As a Personal Performance Coach, I provide 1:1 coaching and mentoring programmes for individuals, as well as team coaching, within and outside of education.

personal performance

I was so impressed with the way Karen was able to see through my narratives to the key issues beneath, so that she could guide me to develop a new way of thinking.

Bron Jones

Artist, formerly a primary school deputy headteacher in Swansea



Leadership development in life and work


Developing communication


Aspiration, motivation, confidence


New to role, new to organisation


Personal and professional wellness


Productivity and efficiency in life and work


Managing change


DISC personality profiling


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