Mixing your Palette
‘Our palette is wide and eclectic. That's why we crank out a lot of different styles. To some people, it makes us seem disjointed or scattered. But when we play live, it makes sense to us.’ Tyler Joseph I am not the best writer, yet I see it as a strength, and I...
‘Cutting yourself some slack’ – because we only get one pair of legs!
‘Cutting yourself some slack’ – because we only get one pair of legs! As I sit here writing this, my husband is in the loft, trying to resolve the issues created by a poorly co-ordinated project that we had little influence over. Or did we? His usually calm and...
What matters most?
What matters most? ‘When the basis for your actions is inner alignment with the present moment, your actions become empowered by the intelligence of life itself.’ Echart Tolle I am super aligned to this time of year. After all, it stems from a beautiful story of a...
3 Firsts
3 Firsts When I’m not my best I ask myself, ‘What are you gonna do about it?’ I use the negativity to fuel the transformation into a better me.’ Beyonce It is never too late to experience something new, nor too soon to learn from the experience. So, this month’s...
‘Close your eyes. Think of an adventure. What do you see?’
‘Close your eyes. Think of an adventure. What do you see?’ From Constellations-Reflections from Life by Sinead Gleeson It’s a provocative word, isn’t it? It can make you feel inadequate when you see others taking life on, full throttle. It can make you feel that you...
‘Get rhythm when you get the Blues’ – Johnny Cash
I have always loved to dance, to sing, to move quickly from space to space. I do none of these brilliantly, but all with great energy, when I am in ‘the zone.’ They used to help me create a space where I felt free to soar and really did not care who was watching...
A sense of service; a sense of self
No matter your thoughts on the recent coronation of King Charles the third, I think you would agree there were some spectacular moments. Witnessing the spectacle and pageantry of a country with so much diversity to share, coming together, both thorough Saturday’s...
Go Quickly
‘If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. African Proverb. Life is not always easy. Even people who give the impression that the sun always shines may be experiencing ongoing anxiety and tension. Discontent, feelings of failure, a sense...
Hiraeth: My Welsh friends have a word that describes ‘a mixture of longing, yearning, nostalgia, wistfulness or an earnest desire for the Wales of the past’. Not my quote, as I would not attempt to describe this feeling from the Welsh. Having been away in London this...
Joyful January
While stepping out early on this January morning, accompanied by my loyal friend, I really felt the sense of our 6 legs synchronised, and we covered a significant distance. I decided to leave all podcasts, audible books and playlists for another time and focus on the...
The Wisdom of Sheep
Yep, you heard me correctly. I decided to enjoy a day not running the treacherous lanes of home today but still indulged in the beauty of aloneness on a perfect winter’s day. I watched my step and experienced slow and having learned recently how to use my camera more...
Sharing the Path
“Every child deserves a champion – an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists that they become the best that they can possibly be.” Rita Pierson The Role of Teachers/Educators A friend and mentor introduced me to this...
Finding our Way through the Dark Hours
‘As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.’ Rumi As the month of October draws to a close I become even more mindful of the need to commit to my wellbeing. It is a time where nature battens down the hatches and many plants, animals and humans, retreat. A...
It’s all about getting the balance right-or is it?
I speak to so many people including my internal self about trying to maintain balance. When coaching, it is one of the areas of life that clients are determined to crack. I have wrestled with this notion throughout my life. What I have learned in the past year is that...
Transition- ‘The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another’
It is an exciting but scary time of transition for me, as I leave a 30-year career in education, to coach those who work and want to thrive not just in education but all walks of life. I don't know about you but there is always that edge of exhilaration, entwined with...
Finishing Lines
The apple doesn’t fall far from… A stitch in time… There is no smoke… You can’t have your cake and… When the going gets tough, the tough… We all experience a range of starting and finishing lines. They are not a one-time event, because as you reach one...
Painting our own Landscapes – Leap of Faith
The Courage of Spring https://youtu.be/MEeA0133jwA Sometimes things can get a bit hairy along this path we call life. We seem to sail through uneventfully and then wham! something, a comment, an idea, a sudden realisation that things need to change...
Cut to the Coaching-seeing the blueprint for coaching in every day
I am a big fan of finding importance in every interaction. I recently had my hair cut and coloured. It is always a day of varied emotion for me, as my hair has been a constant source of frustration since I was a girl and yet remains so important to my perception of...